Coffee arabica

Coffee arabica


Short Description:

The beautiful houseplant features shiny, dark-green leaves and gives your home a sense of charm and liveliness.

Arabica Coffee Features

The beautiful houseplant features shiny, dark-green leaves and gives your home a sense of charm and liveliness.

Young plants have a single stem, but as it grows older it gets lush and bushy.

The white, good-smelling flowers turn to beautiful cherries; 2 coffee beans form in each cherry. An Arabica coffee plant can yield beans for your consumption, but not enough for the whole year!

In a pot, the plant can grow up to one and a half meters high.


Coffea arabica is native to south-western Ethiopia and belongs to the Rubiaceae, a family of plants also called madder, or bedstraw.


Arabica Coffee likes plentiful light. Partial, indirect, filtered light is the best. For excellent results, you can place the pot by an east-west-facing window so the mild morning light touches the leaves. Shelter it from direct, severe light, especially in summer.


Too little water will result in withering leaves. Slight, even moisture allows the plant to thrive. Water sufficiently and regularly. Being waterlogged is a menace; and causes root rot. Likewise, entirely dried-out soil, even in winter, is also threatening. Nonetheless, wait till the top layer of the soil is dry before watering.

Water once a week throughout the year; in winter, however, reduce the amount of water.

To know about watering time, you can check out the leaves; if they start wilting, you should go for irrigation. Young species of the plants require more water. The plant would appreciate a splash of water quite often. Remember to drain the excessive water out of the saucer.


The optimal temperature ranges between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Although higher temperature levels can help the coffee plant to grow vibrantly, it is not good for beans’ growth. High humidity encourages healthy growth; 50% and higher would benefit the plant. Spray daily, especially when the air is dry, to avoid discoloration. Use a humidifier or place the pot near a humidity tray. Brownish leaves signify inadequate amount of humidity.


Good drainage is a must. Every two weeks, use nutrient fertilizers for a dynamic, flourish growth during hot seasons. Avoid them in the cold.

Acidic soil is required. The optimal pH should be between 6 and 6.5. To feed the plant, you can use high-nitrogen, citrus fertilizers. The plant usually lacks iron; so, fertilize with iron.

Brief overview:

Botanical name: Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora

Family: Rubiaceae

Plant’s classification: Ornamental houseplant

Requirements: acidic soil, bright indirect light, medium water, high humidity


Height : 40cm
Pot (Liter) : 16

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